Monday, April 3, 2017

Here it is, what I've managed to put together. I illustrated the content and used duiks to rig the characters, the rest of the time was spent smoothing out key-frames as much as i could. The bendy style characters were a pain. The voices i recorded were so low quality and assigned a persona to the characters i really didn't want, so i scrapped them and did a music overlay.


  1. This was extremely funny to me, I really love it. The loud sound you put in signaling not to hit the guy though, scared the daylights out of me. I was not expecting that at all and I would like to suggest making it a bit quieter, however, that might've been the point of it. I feel like we felt the same struggle of character animation is a short span of time. I would like to see their expressions change but their expressionlessness kind of adds to it's hilarity so either way I think would work. Nice.

  2. Love the motions of the people and their lack of expressions. I lol'd. The music overlay was a nice alternative to the voice recordings. Overall very well-done, comical, (but also serious; bullying is no joke kids) and is in your style.

  3. I really like the character and background designs. Also the twitch effect for the opening logo is very clean and nice looking.

  4. This is hilarious, in the greatest possible way! I love the quick screen that jumps over your character with the buzzing sound. Great solution to that transition. The message was very understandable as well. The characters move pretty well! I think to tidy it up, just having the bully-character change face expressions when he gets money thrown at him would really tie the PSA together. Great job, otherwise!

  5. This was really funny and your sense of humor definitely came across in the piece. I also think the sound effects were really effective. I could still understand the storyline without any dialogue.

  6. I love this character rig! You did really great smoothing out their movements. And your choice of music overlay is a good decision even though you were going for a voice over.

  7. I know character rigging is a painful process so I couldn't even begin to critique you on it. I think it's a good first attempt at using it for sure. Maybe spending more time on the typography you used could make it a little stronger.

  8. This is so funny. I like how you used humor to depict a somewhat heavier topic. I'm sure this was really difficult and I like your illustrations! I also like how you used the title sequence at the beginning to set up the scene.
